Gratitude from Veronica

Our latest post from our yoga instructor, Veronica Fiorino! <3

Watching you choose you like....


When I first started this account this summer, I wasn’t sure how we would communicate with each other! One of my favorite parts of teaching in person was being able to connect with you before and after class, answering questions or helping with modifications! Seeing your smiles each week after savasana or a class that hit just right gave me all. the. energy.


I’ve been so happy to see you all choose you each week when we do “questions Thursday” (also if anyone has a punny name for this lmk lol). Our flows have changed each week based on what you’ve asked for: flow or slow, type of balancing, peak postures, everything else!!!!


Anyway this is a long winded way to say I appreciate you all and your engagement here with me. It means the 🌎!!





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