Weekly Reminders from Veronica Fiorino Yoga

Here’s your weekly reminder to do something for you this week! A few ideas if you need them:


⭐️ mindful movement

⭐️ meditation

⭐️ more sleep!

⭐️ eat food that brings you joy

⭐️ outside time (walk, soak in the sun)

⭐️ call or FaceTime with a friend

⭐️ a bath with a good book

⭐️ dance to your favorite song

⭐️ anything that brings you JOY!


This may be type A of me, but if I am feeling overwhelmed, I like to schedule in my “me time” so I stick to it. Adding a yoga class to my calendar or blocking time in my evening to read often helps me hold myself accountable!


Our first full week of 2021! Let’s start with self care!




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